Over 2000 individual hire outfits, around 60 theme-related costume areas, plus background information on a 250 page website updated regularly,
yet we'll try to get you where you want to be within four page/screens.
Appointments can be made:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 8pm; Saturday: 10am - 6pm; Closed Sundays
Addams Family
Angels & Devils
Baron Samedi to Blade
Cat to Delilah Doll
Day of the Dead
Dracula to Executioner
Fairies for Halloween

Medusa was a mortal seduced by Poseidon, God of the Sea, in the temple of Athena. Athena was so enraged at the sacrilege that she turned Medusa into a gorgon reptile girl, with snakes as her hair, and carrying a curse that turned all who looked at her to stone. As Medusa was of mortal origin, Perseus, using his shield as a mirror to avoid her gaze, was able to slay and behead her, From her blood sprang Pegasus, the winged horse, and the lesser-known Chrysaor, a giant winged boar.

A/C 0876
A/C 1446

A/C 0016
A/C 0789

Gorgon/Green Goddess
A/C 0329
A Medusa make-up works with shades of green and black. Your first decision is whether you are glam or gruesome - there are YouTube tutorials for both. Stencils for scales are available, but a commonly used hack is to use fishnet tights, stretched on the face and body, as a stencil.
Some may also want to try reptile slit-eye contact lenses. (NB. we do NOT stock contact lenses).